Monday, 6 July 2009

How does supers help in My Brute?

There is total of 9 supers in My Brute.

Throw a bomb to damage the opponent by between 10-20 damage each. Bomb is a super and can only be used once. Will hit the enemy brute plus any pets on their side. A bomb will also break any nets that pets are currently held in.

Cry of the Damned
Makes your opponent's pets abandon the fight. Cry of the Damned is a Super and will only be used once. Sometimes it scares only some of the pets and can be used again on the remaining ones

When used, your Brute leaps in the air, takes up to three random weapons from your reserve, and rains them down on your opponent. Damage based on the weapons used. Deluge is a Super and will only be used once.

Fierce Brute

When used the next attack's damage increases 100% Fierce Brute is a Super and will only be used once. It does not affect thrown weapons.


Grab the enemy, jump up in the air and slam them down to the ground for a 400% damage attack. Hammer is a Super and will only be used once.

Makes all of your opponent's pets change over to your side of the fight. If both Brutes have the Hypnosis super, the first one to use it will gain all of their opponent's pets, and the second one to use it will then gain all of the pets, as they will all have been owned by the first Brute.

Immobilises your opponent or one of your opponent's pets in a net, disabling them and preventing them from participating in the fight, until the trapped victim suffers damage from any source. Immobilised pets will not be attacked by a Brute's melee or thrown attacks, or by an opposing pet, but may be freed by the area effect damage of a Bomb. This Super, when combined with Fierce Brute and a heavy weapon, can lead to an unanswered attack which inflicts significant damage (or even a K.O.).

This special skill can be used more then once. They may steal one another if both combatants have the same skill.

Tragic Potion
Heals yourself 12-32 health points (depends on your life)

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