Wednesday, 29 July 2009

how to beat an immortal brute?

Today, my brute windofeast (life: 134) beat an immortal guy who has 416 life (+102 tragic potion), I guess it is quiet interesting and worth to post...

have fun :)

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Friday, 24 July 2009

The Famous Brutes -Chiller696 - 1

Chiller 696 gives a lesson of how to defeat a guy (lvl80!) in the 18th hour of the tournament (day 23.07.09) without loosing any life !

hafe fun :)

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Wednesday, 15 July 2009

My Brute Opening of the “Pantheon of Brutes”

2009-07-15 10:02:57

Paris – 07/15/2009 - Bulkypix and Motion Twin announce the 1.6 update release of My Brute on iPhone and iPod Touch.

Update 1.6:

Opening of the “Pantheon of Brutes”

This latest version offers you a world ranking for each of your brutes and your dojo.

You will finally be able to show the whole world who is the strongest in the arena!

Correction of bugs

Coming soon:

Introduction of a set of titles to unblock your brutes.

Proudly display your “Ultimate Brute” or “Human Wall” title.

Dozens of titles will be available so that you can personalise your favourite brutes even more.

Available now at the Appstore at this address:

My Brute iPhone and iPod Touch is based on what has now become a cult online game: (

My Brute is a raging community and viral phenomenon, with over 1.7 million visits per day throughout the world and over 70 million Brutes created.


My Brute is a crazy, off-the-wall game of combat that gives you the chance to challenge fighters from all over the world.

You simply take on a series of challenges, gain experience, unlock new skills and crush your enemies with ever-greater speed.

My Brute is easy to access and allows you to:

- Listen to your own music (requires the OS 3.0).

- Create and personalize up to 8 brutes.

- Invite other players to become your pupils.

- Open your own dojo and find yourself a master worthy of this title.

- Fight up to 5 opponents a day.

- Discover and master more than 70 skills and weapons.

- Unlock up to 8 battle arenas

- Have discussions with other players from around the world via Open Feint

- Challenge your friends on Facebook Connect


My Brute offers discussion forums included in the game to exchange ideas and challenge other players, and also so that the community can suggest improvements to the game (service provided by OpenFeint 2.0).

Players can also share their feats and challenge friends on Facebook. (Facebook Connect)

This version now allows you to listen to your own music using a great new OS 3.0 functionality, the iPod Access Library.

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Power of Light Weapons -1

Well, not just heavy weapons are deadly. Also some light weapons can be deadly when comined with supers and specialties!

This is from 17th hour of the tournament day 15.07.2009.
kulchacandy (lvl98) vs. moinderme (lvl62)

Strenght :58
Herkulen Strenght
Martial Arts
Fierce Brute
Tornado of Blows

Result is a total of 303 points of damage!

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Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Power of Heavy Weapons -2

click here for Power of Heavy Weapons -1

Chiller 696 vs. sang hitam

Strenght : 52
Martial Arts
Herculan Strenght
Tornado of Blows

Result: Deadly 411 points of damage :)

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Sunday, 12 July 2009

My Brute Epic Fights - 3

This is the final of the tournament on 12.07.2009. One of the most interesting fights I've ever seen. 6 against 1 ! And the winner won the final even with no damage taken !

SoA-Jakurtaiii vs Chiller696.

SoA-Jakurtaiii is lvl 79, ranked 17 on Brutal Legend rank.
strenght 36
agility 40
speed 45

Chiller696 is lvl109, ranked 3 on Brutal Legend rank.
strenght 51
agility 37
speed 30

Have Fun!

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Saturday, 11 July 2009

The Famous Brutes -Classic Kuki - 1

11h of the tournament, classic kuki faces with a level 13 brute... no chance for the opponent.

classic kuki has,

Strength 36
Martial Arts
Strong Arm

result is 131 points of deadly damage ^^

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The Famous Brutes -TheBrutux - 1

I'm going to post some interesting actions of the most famous brutes time to time;

here is one:
Strenght : 33
Martial Arts
Fierce Brute
Tornado of Blows

Result: 88 points of damage at one blow... Not much chance for the lvl 5 opponent :/

and another one after the first...

Not much need for any weapons actaully eh?
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Thursday, 9 July 2009

Power of Heavy Weapons -1

This article is about the fatal power of heavy weapons combined with some skills and supers.

Lets go over examples...
Phantomas vs. Klabaudermann

Strenght : 48
Fierce Brute
Martial Arts
Herkulen Strenght

Result: 248 points damage against dog (this is why dogs are usefull, thay defend you against things like this ^^)

And this is

Strenght : 48
Martial Arts
Herkulen Strenght

Result: 163 points damage...

Another event :)

Netinhoo vs. Classic Kuki

Strenght : 36
Martial Arts
Tornado of Blows
Strong Arm

Result is; 101 points of damage + 92 points of damage + 105 points of damage + 101 points of damage in a row; a total of 399 points of damage...

Silvermageggg vs.

Strenght : 34
Martial Arts

Result is 139 + 103 points of damage

click here for Power of Heavy Weapons -2
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Monday, 6 July 2009

How does supers help in My Brute?

There is total of 9 supers in My Brute.

Throw a bomb to damage the opponent by between 10-20 damage each. Bomb is a super and can only be used once. Will hit the enemy brute plus any pets on their side. A bomb will also break any nets that pets are currently held in.

Cry of the Damned
Makes your opponent's pets abandon the fight. Cry of the Damned is a Super and will only be used once. Sometimes it scares only some of the pets and can be used again on the remaining ones

When used, your Brute leaps in the air, takes up to three random weapons from your reserve, and rains them down on your opponent. Damage based on the weapons used. Deluge is a Super and will only be used once.

Fierce Brute

When used the next attack's damage increases 100% Fierce Brute is a Super and will only be used once. It does not affect thrown weapons.


Grab the enemy, jump up in the air and slam them down to the ground for a 400% damage attack. Hammer is a Super and will only be used once.

Makes all of your opponent's pets change over to your side of the fight. If both Brutes have the Hypnosis super, the first one to use it will gain all of their opponent's pets, and the second one to use it will then gain all of the pets, as they will all have been owned by the first Brute.

Immobilises your opponent or one of your opponent's pets in a net, disabling them and preventing them from participating in the fight, until the trapped victim suffers damage from any source. Immobilised pets will not be attacked by a Brute's melee or thrown attacks, or by an opposing pet, but may be freed by the area effect damage of a Bomb. This Super, when combined with Fierce Brute and a heavy weapon, can lead to an unanswered attack which inflicts significant damage (or even a K.O.).

This special skill can be used more then once. They may steal one another if both combatants have the same skill.

Tragic Potion
Heals yourself 12-32 health points (depends on your life)

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Saturday, 4 July 2009

My Brute Epic Fights -3

This is one of the best fights I saw... ranked 3rd (level99) wrgthzuz ranked 5th(level95) on Brutal Legend rank. 19h quarter finals, tournament date 04.07.2009

Especially watch the end of the battle !

Have fun:

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iPhone news: there is X2 Experience in weekend 04-05 July !

2009-07-03 17:32:16

This week-end Bulkypix announce a Special event on MY BRUTE iPhone iPod Touch.

All your characters will have X2 Experience If you play on MY BRUTE this week-end. It will be the same for pupils, the more you will find new pupils this week-end, the more you will increase your Brutes skills.

if you like to download:


Full version :

(you can read a preview about the iphone versions from here)

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MY BRUTE Worldwide Ranking July the 3rd

2009-07-03 18:09:31

More than 3 Millions fights in the arena !!!tous les jours plus nombreux à rejoindre My Brute !

30 Best Brutes worldwide ranking:

Brute name Level Dojo
azki 87 azk
azloki 87 azk
azlord 87 azk
azking 87 azk
azk 87 azk
az 87 azk
azkz 87 azk
aldrich 86 azk
bagel 64 bagel
ilovebagel 64 bagel
ilovepie 64 bagel
ilovecake 63 bagel
ilovedonut 63 bagel
ilovepizza 63 bagel
iloveicecream 61 bagel
ilovecookie 61 bagel
tellulah 60 exodus
katsuro 60 exodus
rawrz 60 exodus
holly 59 ccskhx
xiao 59 ccskhx
god 59 ccskhx
rohne 59 exodus
ccskhx 59 ccskhx
god is a girl 59 ccskhx
menzo 59 exodus
han 59 ccskhx
obsession 58 exodus
xue mengjing 58 ccskhx
absynthe 58 exodus

30 Best Dojo Worldwide Ranking

Dojo Name Xp Pupils
azk 92570 693
bagel 44743 436
exodus 38640 167
ccskhx 37817 402
vinc 33527 385
hacherey 27354 260
nolife 24580 201

23265 0
moja 20298 180
faaf 19802 257
tristar 19338 197
mamba kai 18046 124
tranquillius 18042 208
skill island 16723 147
drakerz 16600 113
c0bra kai 15121 159
dr greenthumb 14310 167
bamatuf 13606 109
cite des 4000 13575 168
christine 13542 107
roiyaru 13284 149
demona 13222 149
nico 13063 134
zeta gundam 12854 98
wwwaxooo 12847 122
gladiators 12803 142
turtle 12511 40
edgard0 11774 218
la guilde 11254 106
applei 11217 50

% Per mascot:

Mascot %
none 4.16%
Bear1 20.84%
Bear2 21.58%
Cat1 11.49%
Cat2 12.38%
Snake1 14.7%
Snake2 14.85%

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Thursday, 2 July 2009

My Brute Epic Fights -1

Epic battle between to top players; semi final in the tournament on 02.07.2009:

On one side there is famous, on the other side Chiller696. Jesper is ranked 3rd with level 99 and Chiller696 is ranked 4th with level95.

After a very challenging fight,
Jesper manages to win the fight thx to his survival ability!
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My Brute Epic Fights 2

I'm going to try to post some of the epic battle vieos in here as doesnt keep the track of them..

Today in the tournament two brutes over lvl90 has faced.
First Brute, Classic Kuki lvl 99, ranked 2, life: 366
his invantory:Second Brute, Wrgthzuz lvl 92, ranked 6, life: 344
his invantory:

And this fight is the 17th hour fight of the tournament day 02.07.2009:

Have fun:

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My Brute on iPhone -3



There are a few different parts to this game. The first is creating a Brute. This is fun because there are a lot of different choices on what to make your Brute look like. The developers shied away from your typical looking person and went for the more anime-looking characters which I really like. You start out with the option to make three Brutes, but you can unlock up to eight throughout your gameplay.


Once you have your Brute created, you are ready to fight. You are asked if you have a master. If you know someone else who plays My Brute, you can ask them for their Master code, and you will unlock special powers for your Brute. Because none of my friends play My Brute, I was able to search online for a master code and unlock some powers. If you don’t have a master code, don’t fret, you can continue to play the game. I played the first few days without a master and then got one so that I could continue growing in strength. You also want to choose what type of fighter/dojo you want. Each type has a different advantage, so choose wisely as it will affect your skills.


Now you are ready for battle. Choose from 3 different opponents that pop up from the server, sometimes close to your skill level, other times, not so much. But even the skill level doesn’t show everything since you cannot see if they have special weapons or a helper, which can bring down health significantly. In all reality, it’s a crap shoot until you get into the arena and start the fight. But once the fight starts, there is nothing you can do. Watch as you battle it out with your opponent and hope that your Brute comes out victorious!!


These are just the basics of the game. There are a lot of unlockable items as you play which can help enhance game play and help your Brute win more battles. The more you play, the more you discover for your Brute!


There is very little in the way of controls in this game since you aren’t actually fighting. Everything is touch based and very simple to navigate through. No guessing here; just touch and go. Simple iPhone style.



I think the big miss on this game was an instructional guide. I have never played a dojo styled game before, so I was a bit confused on how to obtain a master or get upgrades and more strength/power for my Brute. I also think that for this genre, $4.99 is a bit on the high side. I think it would be more reasonbly priced at $2.99 since there is little “game play” to it. Other than that, this game is very well layed out and simple to pick up and play. It has continuous replay value as you can always battle another player out there.


As seen throughout my review, this game is simple, yet enjoyable. For me it is great eye candy with the anime looking Brutes and animation. I really enjoyed it and will continue growing my Brute to be a lean, mean, fighting machine. If you’re having questions as to whether this genre is for you, try out Brute lite. It will give you a flavor of the game and help you figure out if you’re willing to pay the current $4.99 price.


Click to read "To pay for iPhone or not?"

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